Phone: (03) 62 299 844
2 Recreation Street
Kingston Beach TASMANIA 7050
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy seriously. The Kingston Beach Health Centre needs to collect information about you for the primary purpose of providing a quality service to you. In order to thoroughly assess, diagnose and provide therapy, we need to collect some personal information from you. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide you with quality service and professional care.
We may need to use and disclose your information for:
a) The administrative purpose of running the practice.
b) Billing either directly through an insurer or compensation agency or third party payee.
c) Use within the practice if discussing or passing your case to another practitioner within the practice for your ongoing management.
d) Disclosure of information to your doctors, other health professionals or to teachers to facilitate communication and best possible care for you.
e) In the case of insurance or compensation claim it may be necessary to disclose and/or collect information that concerns your return to work to an insurer or your employer.
We do not disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.
To ensure the process of quality treatment provision, information about your assessment results and progress may be given to relevant other service providers, who are involved in your management. these may include your doctor, teachers, specialists, insurers, solicitors or employers.